With age and less periodic maintenance, any car will shake and vibrate at the time of riding. However, some internal problems can also cause these problems and you should take them seriously. Do you know what parts to look into if your car shakes when accelerating? Most people will suspect tires and wheels but several other components could be the possible culprit.
Car Shakes When Accelerating: What are the Reasons?
If you are wondering why your car vibrates when accelerating, you are in the right place. Tire problems could be a reason for the shaking issue. However, the following ones are also strong reasons for the shaking of a vehicle at the time of speeding up:
#1. The Rear Driveshaft and U-Joints

One or both could be the source of the problem. You have to remove the driveshaft and feel the joint’s movement. Any rough patches there will be magnified when the engine runs with power.
A visual diagnosis will be enough for the U-joints. Look out if there is any rust gathering around the grease seal. Anything that causes the grease to disappear will create the shaking problem.
#2. A Bent Axle

Even the slightest bend can be the reason for serious shaking, especially when the car speeds up. The surprising fact is even a minor fender-bender or a small bump in the road can lead to the twisting of the axle. Sometimes, the problem could be the result of a worn out CV joint that you will find at the end of the axle.
#3. The Tires

These are one of the main reasons for a car shakes when accelerating. The first thing you should check is if they are firmly attached to the wheels. A loose tire not only causes vibration but can also lead to major accidents.
Unbalanced tires could be another source of shaking. Tires that are out of balance or misaligned due to worn out tread or bad installation won’t let the vehicle to run straight on the road. If one tire is unstable, it can affect the others with time. So, you should fix the problem immediately before it gets worse.
#4. Look Into The Wheel

If the tires are fine, the wheel is the next item that should come on your diagnosis list. Loose or damaged wheel bearings could give your vehicle a good shake at higher speeds. Although these parts are unlikely to wear out with time, it’s not impossible. So remember these when your car vibrates when accelerating. You may find damaged bearings in cars that have been driven extensively for many years.
If you feel the rumbling through the steering wheel, the problem could arise from plenty of components – struts, bearings, shock absorbers, tie rods, and ball joints.
#5. Stuck Brake Caliper

It’s not something that happens frequently but can happen nonetheless. A stuck caliper starts to shake at 40 to 50 mph, and the vibration becomes worse with acceleration. When car vibrates when accelerating, it’s not unusual to get a whiff of burning odor when the car stops.
#6. Broken Radiator Fan

A cracked or damaged fan won’t hamper the engine operation in any way but it will lead to car shakes when accelerating. When you start the vehicle, the fan tries to turn but just teeters instead because of the broken condition. The wobbling will shake the car side-wise, especially when you speed up.